Best Practices
Work in Progress v.6.14.2024

they are sent in a timely manner
*both parties assume responsibility and talk to each other if there is a concern
*they are clear and concise
*the communication method matches the audience and message
*the expectations for communication are made clear
*they focus on factual information
*they are unbiased and use professional language

COMMUNICATION METHODS (Surveyed preferences)

Text (82%) Short to the point communications, when information needs to get out quickly, links to websites/surveys, to answer quick questions, used to give a heads-up to look for a formal communication.

Email (65%) Follow-up to document a conversation/meeting, for longer messages, invitations, links to websites/surveys, to attach items, staff to staff communications for information that people need to know.

Letters mailed (63%) Grade reports, compliance letters, directive action letters, official communications, legal documentation, positive individualized news, test scores, back to school information.

Phone call (61%) Auto calls should be rarely used “if you are getting an auto call from us it is important”, auto calls should be used for emergencies and school closures; individual calls should be used for celebrations, student discipline, individual issues and concerns, individual messages that need to be clear, emergencies, and when tone and expression matters.

Facebook (33%) Celebrations, events, pictures, PR, public information, reminders.

Letters in backpacks (30%) Teach responsibility, get kids excited about something, provide families with a hard copy of something, permission slips, RSVPs.

Website (13%) Post information, information warehouse, where people can go to find information.

Sturgis Journal, WBET, and Sturgis Sentinel (5%) PR, communication beyond families/staff/students, to over communicate, to support our community.


Student discipline

-PowerSchool is the main internal communication method
-All are best served when we implement the practices outlined above

Knowing the why behind decisions

Ensuring that the message gets to where it needs to get to